No-Pattern Knits

Put the fun back into knitting and create beautiful and original clothing and accessories from simple geometric shapes! Forget about complicated increases and decreases; forget about pouring over a pattern book; with knowledge of just a few basic stitches you can effortlessly create sweaters, bags, hats, cushions, socks, scarves, and ponchos.

Pat Ashforth and Steve Plummer take their extensive experience in Mathematics and apply it to the art of knitting, using basic shapes to piece together striking creations just like a puzzle.

Simple step-by-step instructions and helpful photographs guide you to measure yarn lengths and later knit and join geometric shapes. This brilliant workbook includes tips and tricks to mix and match colours and stitches, giving you the opportunity to design your own unique pieces!

This book includes a variety of fantastic projects to inspire both the novice and expert knitter.

Table of Contents

