Theresa Jamieson
Theresa Jamieson was born in Melbourne and first practised yoga in 1975 at the Gita School there. While travelling in India she studied traditional yoga extensively in Mulbai, where her interest in the more spiritual aspects of life, and especially Tibetan Buddhism, intensified. Theresa began teaching yoga in New Zealand in 1981 and continued to study yoga and meditation with the Satyananda Ashram in Auckland under the expert guidance of Shantimurti. After her first son Ezra was born in 1984 she began what was to become her main focus in yoga, teaching pregnant women in preparation for birth. At that time she also completed a three year course in naturopathy and herbal medicine, writing her thesis on yoga for pregnancy. After her sencond son Reuben was born, Theresa completed diplomas in massage, herbal medicine and hypnosis, and a B.A.Sc. in traditional medicine and naturopathy. She has studied counselling extensively, hypnobirthing, and other aspects of healing. She currently lives in the Gold Coast Hinterland where she has her yoga studio and naturophathic clinic. She continues to teach yoga and meditation classes, specialising in pregnancy care and stress management. She holds weekly classes and holds birthing workshops for women and birth preparation classes for the woman and her birth support.